Romania a esuat datorita celor care ne conduc, celor care ne-au rapit dreptul la educatie injosindu-ne profesorii, celor care ne-au luat dreptul la aparare corupandu-ne o INSTITUTIE care ar fi trebuit sa ne apere drepturile, ne-au luat dreptul la VIATA distrugand SISTEMUL SANITAR.
Unde sunt acesti oameni cu pregatire corespunzatoate?!?!? Cu certitudine nu mai locuiesc pe plaiurile mioritice, si-au luat de mult timp "jucarelele" si-au plecat undeva unde sunt luati in seama nu in deradere.
Gandesc in trecut, la Romania care s-a ridicat si a inceput sa straluceasca dar nu datorita romanilor ci datorita strainilor care ne-au condus cu mai multa abnegatie decat au facut-o multi alti romani aflati la conducerea acestei tari.
Nu vreau sa fiu inteleasa gresit, cinstesc memoria lui Stefan cel Mare, Mihai Viteazul, Vlad Tepes si altor domnitori romani dar in afara de acestia multi altii au distrus-o sub egida celor care au spus "Noi nu ne vindem tara" cand strainii au vrut sa investeasca.
Da, nu ne-am vandut tara celor care o puteau ridica dar am vandut-o unora care au dus-o la fier vechi.
Asta s-a intamplat cu multe intreprinderi, fabrici si uzine intr-o anumita perioada.
ROMANIA este in DERIVA, ROMANIA DOARME adanc chiar daca IMNUL ne striga.... "DESTEAPTA-TE ROMANE!"
Tired of so much hypocrisy!
Romania failed because those who lead us to those who have kidnapped the right to education teachers shunned us, those who have taken us right to defense corupandu an institution that was supposed to defend our rights, we have taken right to life destroying health system.
Where are these people trained corespunzatoate ?!?!? Certainly not living on lands Tracker, and took a long time "jucarelele" have gone somewhere where they are taken into account not derision.
I think in the past, in Romania who rose and started to shine but not because the Romans but because of foreigners who have driven with more dedication than they did many other Romanians in charge of this country.
I do not want to be misunderstood and honor the memory of Stefan the Great, Michael the Brave, Vlad Tepes and other Roman rulers, but many others besides they have destroyed it under the aegis of those who said "We do not sell our country" when foreigners are wanted to invest.
Yes, we have not sold the land they could raise but I sold it to some who took it for scrap.
That happened to several companies, factories and plants in a certain period.
ROMANIA is adrift, deeply asleep, even if ANTHEM ROMANIA call us .... "Wake up Romania!"
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